Here When You’re Ready
We understand that COVID-19 is causing much anxiety in our community, country, and the world. Bangor International Airport and the City of Bangor are working to provide you with the most up to date information on this evolving situation. Following is information related to the airport, travel/tourism, and some details regarding restrictions in the State of Maine.

Committed to Keeping Our Customers Safe
- Hand sanitizing stations are available at busy locations.
- All restroom soap dispensers are using antibacterial soap.
- Cleaning measures have been increased. All surfaces that are frequently touched (door handles, push plates, sink handles, etc.) are being disinfected more frequently.
- Plexiglass shields have been installed in areas with customer contact.
- All employees have been briefed and are to use provided PPE to help protect and prevent any potential spread.
- We continue to monitor CDC recommendations and are compliant with industry standards regarding this, and all, issues of concern.
- Airport staff has moved to a digital morning briefing until further notice.
- In an effort to protect the health and safety of our military troops, as well as that of members of The Maine Troop Greeters, troop greeting at Bangor International Airport has been stopped until further notice. We regret this change, but we are in unprecedented times that call for us all to take our social responsibility seriously.
- The Refueler Pub is currently closed.
- The Highlands Cafe is providing take-out service.
- The post-security Cafe is providing pre-packaged snacks and bottled drinks only.

When You’re Ready
When you decide to fly, we’ll be here taking all of the precautions necessary to keep you and your travel companions safe and ready to take off.